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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Freelance Writing Jobs: Attract More High Paying Assignments Than You Can Possibly Handle

Looking for a good seo ghost writer?

Despite the fact that the World Wide Web has created a huge growing market for writers, freelance writing jobs are still not easy to come by. Or are they?

How do you explain the fact that many leading online writers have more freelance writing jobs than they can possibly handle. And all the clients are more than willing to pay the price that they have asked for?

You are about to discover the magic formula most of these writers use to land many more jobs than they can possibly handle. They then have to go through the pleasurable process of selecting which particular freelance writing jobs they want to do (obviously the ones that they will enjoy doing most).

It is really very simple. All you need to do is start by setting up a page advertising your online freelance writing services. Write about it in an attractive manner that will attract freelance writing jobs for you. Include the price or fee you wish to charge per article or freelance writing job.

Once you have finished doing this, the next step is to simply get as many other sites and blogs to link to this page in your blog or site, as possible. This is much simpler to achieve than you think. In a moment I will give you a simple technique on how to do this, but first I would like to emphasize a very important point.

It is absolutely critical that you consistently continue to build up the number of links pointing to your site for a s long a period as you can. The nature of links is such that at times some of your busiest will suddenly run dry. Thus the only way to maintain a constant flow of high traffic through your links is to keep on accumulating them consistently all the time.

1 comment:

writermama50 said...


Good article! Thanks!

Please give me some tips about where and how to set up the kind of page you are talking about that we can then utilize by adding a link to this site for prospective employers.


freelance writer